Security: How to Fortify Your Password Against Attacks

Security: How to Fortify Your Password Against Attacks

Let’s get real for a second. When you’re in the process of creating an online account, you’re usually in a hurry to get to the actual site. You aren’t all that worried about how strong your password is or if you can even remember it later. You just want to finish your...
4 things you should know about phishing

4 things you should know about phishing

The sending and receiving of malicious emails, phishing, is a cyber-threat that all businesses should be on the lookout for. But, unfortunately, what most professionals know to be true about phishing attacks, isn’t always the most accurate information out there. Here...
7 Chrome Extensions you should download right now

7 Chrome Extensions you should download right now

There are over a billion people who use Chrome as their preferred browser. But not all of these people use Chrome to its fullest potential. With the right Extension added to your Chrome browser, you can do a whole lot more than you might imagine. You can change the...