Book Highlight
Book Highlight: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Habits develop naturally, but that doesn’t mean they’re outside of your control. Have you ever wondered whether you could build lasting habits that will make you more productive, more healthy, and more successful?...
How To Use The Focused Inbox With Microsoft Outlook
How To Use The Focused Inbox With Microsoft Outlook The Focused Inbox feature is a great way to reduce the clutter in your inbox and focus on what’s most important. Are you tired of the mess you find in your inbox each morning when you open up Microsoft Outlook? Even...
Book Highlight
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Book Highlight: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Get rich quick schemes are very rarely effective. If they were, then everybody would be rich, right? More often than not, these types of frameworks for success are vague, or shallow — they fail to impart any actual...